Este curso tiene como objetivo, enseñar de forma práctica y teórica las bases de la gastronomía hidalguense, expresando la justificación en su cultura, geográfica, historia y entorno social en el que se desarrolla la interacción en conjunto con las formas de alimentación del estado, para así, desarrollar recetas autóctonas de la región y saber expresar las ideologías que conlleva cada platillo, reconociendo ingredientes y salvaguardando la cultura que los envuelve, todo esto mediante la práctica gastronómica, el análisis y exposición de la cocina hidalguense
- Profesor: Angel Tonatiuh Del Prado Torres
English language learners at the Basic Intermediate level (Level 3) will develop speaking, listening, reading, writing, and acculturation knowledge and skills necessary to transition to the High Intermediate level (Level 4).
Students will study spoken interaction and spoken production. Student learn:
- to start, maintain, and close simple face-to-face conversation on familiar topics of interest.
- to maintain a conversation or discussion even though the student may sometimes be difficult to follow
- to be understood in free speech with pauses and some false starts.
- to ask for and follow directions.
- to express and respond to feelings such as surprise, happiness, sadness, interest, and indifference.
- to give or seek personal views and opinions in a discussion with friends.
- to agree and disagree.
- to ask someone to clarify what they have said to confirm understanding.
- to give basic descriptions of events/activities.
- to give explanations of opinions, plans, and actions.
- to narrate a story and relate the plot of a book or film and describe reactions.
- pronunciation is clearly intelligible with some mispronunciations and interference from the first language.
Students will learn:
- to follow clearly articulated speech in everyday conversation with some repetition.
- to generally follow the main points of extended class discussion provided speech is clearly articulated in standard dialect.
- to listen to a short narrative and predict what will happen next.
- to understand the main points of recorded material and videos on familiar topics when the delivery is slow and clear.
- to follow directions, instructions, announcements when delivery is slow and clear.
Student will learn:
- to read comprehensively with expected errors.
- to identify the meaning of unknown words from context in familiar topics.
- to understand the plot of a clearly structured story and recognize important events and their significance.
- to understand the main points in short articles about current and familiar topics.
- to skim short texts and find relevant facts and information (who, what, where).
- to retell a story in a simple list of points.
In the Basic Intermediate (Level 3) Writing units, students learn:
- to write clear, simple texts on familiar events and experiences.
- to produce continuous, intelligible writing with reasonable punctuation.
- to write a short, basic description of experiences, feelings, reactions, everyday life, past and present.
- to describe the plot of a film or book.
- to summarize, report, and give his/her opinion on facts in routine and non-routine matters as appropriate for age peers.
- Profesor: Rita Leticia Cordero Olvera
conocimientos generales sobre las particularidades de cada una de las
regiones de acuerdo a las características físicas y biológicas que le
- Profesor: José Antonio Pagola Trigueros
Dentro de este curso el alumno obtendrá los conocimientos necesarios acerca de la química y propiedades de los alimentos con el fin de saber utilizarlos de forma adecuada en la preparación de sus platillos.
- Profesor: Wendy Escamilla Lara